She is 40 years old at the 1871 census and living with François who is 74 and another François who is 12.
Patriote exilé en Australie. Revenue a Saint-Césaire en Janvier 1845
Frère chasseur.
Appréhendé le 20 décembre
1838 ; condamné à mort par la Cour martiale le 28 février
1839 pour implication dans l'Émeute de
1838 ; sa peine commuée en exil, il quitte la prison du
Pied-du-Courant le 26 septembre
1839 pour se rendre à Québec où il est embarqué à bord du Buffalo qui part vers l'Australie le 28 septembre
Gracié en
1843, il rentre au Canada en
En hommage aux Patriotes de Saint-Césaire. Une centaine de Patriotes de ce village se rendirent à Saint-Hilaire le 27 novembre 1837 pour attaquer les troupes britanniques.Mai en béton d'environ15 pieds de haut. Plaque sur le socle portant les noms des 26 Patriotes de l'endroit qui furent emprisonnés, dont quatre exilés en Australie. Cette oeuvre commémorative fut érigée par la Société d'Histoire des Quatre-Lieux pour le 150e anniversaire des Patriotes. Saint-Césaire, 998 rue Union coin Notre-Dame
"HOMMAGE AUX PATRIOTES DE SAINT-CÉSAIRE 1837-1838 Jean-Baptiste Bousquet, Pierre Barrière, Louis Bourdon, Flavien Boutillier, Louis Brouillette, Ambroise Brunelle, Gaspard Côté, François Dionne, Isidore Dionne, Joachim Dionne, Placide Dionne, Léon Ducharme, Michel Frégeau, François-Xavier Guertin , Calixte Gigon, Toussaint Hubert Goddu, Prudent Huot, Joseph Marcoux, Guillaume Monplaisir, François Papineau, Joseph Papineau, Francois-Xavier Guertin, Marcel Sené, Pascal Tessier, Laurent Trudeau, Joseph Vadnais. Furent exilés en Australie: Louis Bourdon Jean-Baptiste Bousquet François Guertin et le Capitaine Goddu La Société d'Histoire des Quatre-Lieux 1987"
Son futur Beau Père Marcel Sené faisait parti des patriotes de Saint-Césaire.
His wife Angelique is 40 years old at the 1871 census and living with François who is 74 and another François who is 12.
François-Xavier Guertin born 4 March 1794
Son of Pierre Guertin and Marie Allaire from Saint-Denis-sur-Richelieu.
Farmer and Carpenter living in Saint-Césaire.
Arrested on the 20 December 1838. He was 44 and literate.
His trial started on the 22 February 1839 and was condemned to death on the 28 February 1839 for high treason in having assembled and risen in arms on the night of the 3 November 1838 at Saint-Césaire and in having marched, accompanied by many others with the avowed object of raising the peasantry and overthrowing the Government of Her Majesty. (Source Canada State Papers)
His sentence was commuted to exile and he left Montreal jail Pier-du-Courant with 57 others on the 26 September 1839 for Quebec where they boarded the ship HMS Buffalo on the 28 September 1839 for Australia.
They were sent to the Longbottom Prison camp halfway between Sydney and Parramatta on the river of the same name. Today there are three bays on the river named after the
Patriotes: French Bay, Exile Bay and Canada Bay.
While there, François was a cook for the other 57 prisoners.
Lepailleur a fellow exile wrote in his memoirs that François-Xavier was so religiously devout that he and some of his compatriots joined the lay brotherhood of Our Lady Help of Christians.
He led prayers with the group and on 25 July 1841 he and 2 others chanted the first high mass performed in the Parramatta church.
Received his Ticket of Leave on 9 March 1842.
Was pardoned on 29 February 1844.
Returned to Canada in January 1845.
Married Angélique Senez (Sené) on 24 October 1853 in Saint-Césaire.
Daughter of Angélique Desmarais-Beaulac and Marcel Senez, himself a Patriotes from Saint-Césaire.
She was 18, he was 58 at the time.
His wife Angelique is 40 years old at the 1871 census and living with François who is 74 and another François who is 12.
He died before 1875 because his wife remarried on 6 April 1875 to Thomas Burns.